The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) allows employers to obtain and review civil litigation/judgment and criminal arrest information covering the prior seven years when evaluating a person for employment, promotion, reassignment or retention. It also permits the review of criminal conviction data beyond seven years. Oftentimes, employers
Read more →The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) allows employers to obtain a consumer credit report (CCR) when evaluating a person for employment, promotion, reassignment or retention. I recommend to clients that these reports only be used when a person is assigned to handle money or check writing, engage
Read more →Over the last 10 years, a number of aggregator online services have been aggressively marketing individuals and businesses to provide them with leads about what is available over the internet on individuals in phone directories, social networks, mailing lists, public records, etc. One of the most popular
Read more →Effective recruitment, thorough pre-employment screening, employment and academic verification, and multiple interviews can cumulatively be very effective in hiring great employees. But people change, and what should you do periodically to continue to qualify these workers? Management regularly takes steps to maintain a high quality business operation,
Read more →Over the last several years, federal and state laws/rules have changed, and there are new/expanded restrictions limiting what Michigan and Wisconsin employers are permitted to gather online for the purpose of evaluating potential or existing employees. Check with counsel who specializes in employment matters before ordering a
Read more →Employers are being sued for failing to adhere to the basic requirements set forth in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Some of the latest actions claim that employers are failing to obtain consent, failing to utilize legal consent forms, falling to engage in adverse action process,
Read more →You the employer routinely conduct a thorough vetting process on new-hires, and as a result you are generally keeping good employees and minimizing turnover costs. However, what steps are you taking, to deter against “inside jobs” and other criminal activity which could occur in your workplace??? Many
Read more →The FTC has new blogs containing information for consumers and businesses related to the FCRA, and what they can to do avoid fraud and to comply with the FCRA, respectively. Be sure and monitor their postings, and take steps to comply with their pre-employment screening requirements. Check
Read more →In April, 2014, two large pre-employment screening services were fined by the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection for failing to use reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of information, one of which included obtaining incorrect data from sex offender registry records. This false information was presented to
Read more →Staff who participate in and/or make the final decision on a new hire must know what information is available to aid in their choosing the best applicant for the position. Many rely on a vendor to “interpret” this information, and most of those pre-employment information providers do
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