Recently in the News: Employment Background Screening Company and several of its Customers to Pay $2.6 Million Penalty for Multiple Violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act… Federal Trade Commission Charges Business with Incorrectly Listed Criminal Convictions on Pre-Employment Reports of Some Applicants… Knowing what is legally
Read more →In this world of major economic downturn, businesses may go through tens of hundreds of applications or resumes in order to find the most experienced and educated candidate for the job. As such, it is important for businesses to really understand what they are getting as they
Read more →Interviewing is an art because you are always learning by doing…and learning how to do it better! My interviewing ability and yours are a work in progress, and to learn by doing one must be aware of their skill sets and practice and polish. So here are
Read more →Those interviewers who are good at developing an intuitive sense about a candidate’s suitability are generally persons who have a better understanding of those around them. Every message has two components, content and emotion or attitude. Those interviewers who have the most success at hiring good employees
Read more →There is a strong tendency to make a quick evaluation without first getting the full meaning. Patient listening should be followed by questions to increase the interviewer’s understanding of the candidate’s background. The listener’s own actions, i.e. body movements, eye contact, hand gestures, head nodding, facial expression
Read more →Two More Questioning Tips Ask simple questions such as “what happened?” Again, let the candidate completely respond uninterrupted. Ask follow up questions based on missing elements of information provided. Most people speak at a speed of about 125 words per minute. This is extremely slow compared
Read more →The Importance of Listening A good interviewer is an effective listener! One can obtain more accurate and complete information through simple listening. Getting in the habit of allowing the candidate to complete his or her entire answer without injecting the next question is critical. Police interrogators have
Read more →Planning in advance for a screening interview and good observations during the interview are two important parts of the process. Maintaining your objectivity, repeating questions and the use of “silence” are additional ingredients for success! Understanding and Questioning The ultimate goal of the interview is to formulate
Read more →Last time I emphasized the importance of coupling pre-employment background screening, credential verification and effective interviewing with the hiring process. Now let’s discuss an important interviewing technique….Observation! Observation During a Planned Interview People providing untruthful responses will display certain body reactions which are visible to the trained
Read more →Reliable studies indicate that 22%-25% of all resumes contain misleading information. This includes altered dates, phony former employers, untruthful termination reasons, falsified records, etc. A thorough pre-employment background investigation is essential to independently confirm information that an applicant presents to an employer, and it is also a
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