In last month’s Newsletter, the downside of employing confrontational interviewing / interrogating techniques was examined. During the next several Newsletters, this discussion will continue with a description of some of the most effective and ethical approaches. As a student of the process, you understand that it is an
Read more →For many years in law enforcement and in prosecutors’ offices, confrontational interviewing / interrogating techniques were the preferred methods for obtaining admissions of guilt / responsibility. In the private sector, however, less intensive techniques have been practiced, albeit, the approach was still confrontational or, at the very
Read more →Prior Newsletters on Disruptive and Repetitive Questioning have emphasized that this particular technique to ferret out lying is not for everyone. It involves a level of behavior on the part of the questioner that can feel uncomfortable. At the same time, research has confirmed its effectiveness in
Read more →This is the third in a series about using Disruptive Questioning to detect deceptive responses by increasing a suspected liar’s cognative load. For many years, UCLA Professor of Psychology R. Edward Geiselman has studied, practiced, written about and taught the effectiveness of Disruptive Questioning as an interviewing
Read more →Previous Newsletters have described a variety of approaches that can help increase your ability to determine if someone is telling the truth. Developing an effective interviewing skillset and then constantly honing through education and practical experience is extremely important for attorneys taking statements under oath, human resource
Read more →Many investigators who conduct interviews for a living and researchers who study ways to uncover fraudulent statements agree that there are six areas on which to focus when identifying fraudulent statements. Whether under oath, answering questions during a job interview, providing details about an insurance claim or
Read more →Investigators who conduct interviews for a living, and researchers who study ways to uncover fraudulent statements agree that there are six areas on which to focus when identifying fraudulent statements. Whether under oath, answering questions during a job interview, providing details about an insurance claim or recounting
Read more →Investigators who conduct interviews for a living, and researchers who study ways to uncover fraudulent statements agree that there are six areas on which to focus when identifying fraudulent statements. Whether under oath, answering questions during a job interview, providing details about an insurance claim or recounting
Read more →Many times the road to the truth contains unforeseen twists and turns since the journey can be adversarial. On one side of this process is the person who avoids telling the truth or intentionally deceives since oftentimes he or she has something to lose if the truth
Read more →Most people either want to tell the truth, or they are amateur liars. The latter group will not have the courage to continue a lie if deposed or questioned by someone who is practiced at effective interviewing techniques and able to recognize and navigate through suspected false
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