How To Secure Admissions Against Interest

How To Secure Admissions Against Interest

For many years, including my own experience in law enforcement, confrontational interviewing/interrogating techniques were preferred methods for obtaining admissions of guilt/responsibility.  In the private sector, less intense techniques have been practiced; however, many times the approach was still confrontational or, at the very least, formal and cold.

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Tips for Identifying Fraudulent Professional Online Profiles

Tips for Identifying Fraudulent Professional Online Profiles

Whether conducting a pre-employment inquiry, innocently responding to a request to connect professionally, performing due diligence relating to a business deal or investigating suspected insurance or business fraud, be aware that the creation of fake online profiles for a variety of fraudulent purposes is dramatically increasing. LinkedIn

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Why Should You Check a Candidate’s Driving Record?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) allows employers to obtain and review civil litigation/judgment and criminal arrest information covering the prior seven years when evaluating a person for employment, promotion, reassignment or retention. It also permits the review of criminal conviction data beyond seven years. Oftentimes, employers

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Should You Order A Credit Report?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) allows employers to obtain a consumer credit report (CCR) when evaluating a person for employment, promotion, reassignment or retention. I recommend to clients that these reports only be used when a person is assigned to handle money or check writing, engage

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Two Best Practices that Relate to On-going Vetting of Employees

Effective recruitment, thorough pre-employment screening, employment and academic verification, and multiple interviews can cumulatively be very effective in hiring great employees.  But people change, and what should you do periodically to continue to qualify these workers?  Management regularly takes steps to maintain a high quality business operation,

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Social Network Inquiries, a Slippery Slope for Employers

Over the last several years, federal and state laws/rules have changed, and there are new/expanded restrictions limiting what Michigan and Wisconsin employers are permitted to gather online for the purpose of evaluating potential or existing employees.  Check with counsel who specializes in employment matters before ordering a

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