Over the last several years, federal and state laws/rules have changed, and there are new/expanded restrictions limiting what Michigan and Wisconsin employers are permitted to gather online for the purpose of evaluating potential or existing employees. Check with counsel who specializes in employment matters before ordering a background report that includes social media information.
These most recent changes in laws/rulings address what is public, what is private and what is relevant. Have your attorney ensure that your release contains the most current language addressing this issue, and confirm that your Pre-Employment Screening Service is knowledgeable and legally compliant in this regard. Law suits against well-intentioned businesses using outdated releases and gathering prohibited background information is on the rise. You do not want to be a target!
Backgroundcheckswork.com is a subsidiary of and is fully staffed by investigators from Research North, Inc., a professional private detective service providing support to the business community and the insurance industry since 1981. The company specializes in legally compliant inquiries for small and medium sized Michigan and Wisconsin businesses wanting to evaluate individuals seeking employment, promotion, reassignment or retention as employees.
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